
Sage Invoice Loading

In our sample application we have loaded a number of samples to work with Sage Line 50. The sample below was used to create invoices. The sources for the header and transaction will vary depending on the source but this sample will get you started. You will need to create a link to the Sage Library – this version was for Sage 22, any new fields added since then would need to be updated.

Function fncCreateInvoices_22(ByVal tmpDate As Date, tmpCompany, tmpLogin, tmpPassword, tmpDefaultNom, tmpCustomerOrder, tmpDefaultDocket)

On Error GoTo Error_Handler

If Not IsDate(tmpDate) Then
    MsgBox "Please enter a valid date"
    Exit Function
End If

DoCmd.Hourglass True

' Declare Objects
Dim oSDO As SageDataObject220.SDOEngine
Dim oWS As SageDataObject220.Workspace
Dim oInvoicePost As SageDataObject220.InvoicePost
Dim oInvoiceItem As SageDataObject220.InvoiceItem
Dim oSalesRecord As SageDataObject220.SalesRecord
Dim oStockRecord As SageDataObject220.StockRecord
Dim oSalesDeliveryRecord As SageDataObject220.SalesDeliveryRecord
Dim tmpDel(6), bEnd

Dim db As Database
Dim rstSource As Recordset, rstTrans As Recordset, strAccount, tmpPOD
Dim tmpTranCust, tmpUseON As Boolean, tmpTranDD As String, tmpUseCPO As Boolean
Dim tmpSageServiceCodes, tmpUseSageStockNominal, tmpLoadTrackingNo

tmpSageServiceCodes = IIf(GetPref("Sage Service Codes") = "Yes", -1, 0)
tmpUseSageStockNominal = IIf(GetPref("Use Sage Nominal") = "Yes", -1, 0)
tmpLoadTrackingNo = IIf(GetPref("Sage Load Tracking") = "Yes", -1, 0)

Set db = CurrentDb
tmpUseON = tmpDefaultDocket
tmpUseCPO = tmpCustomerOrder

' Declare Variables
Dim strDataPath As String
Dim bFlag As Boolean
Dim iCtr As Integer

'sage initialise
' Create the SDO Engine Object
Set oSDO = New SageDataObject220.SDOEngine

' Create the Workspace
Set oWS = oSDO.Workspaces.Add("Example")

'Check that the selected invoices have a customer record
Set rstSource = db.OpenRecordset("select * from QryCheckInvDates where tDate<=#" & ActDate(tmpDate) & "#", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
Application.Echo True, "Checking Customers"
If rstSource.RecordCount > 0 Then
  If MsgBox("Some customer records are missing in sage, print a listing ?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
      DoCmd.OpenReport "rptMissingCustomers", acViewPreview
      GoTo Exit_Function
      MsgBox "Add the new customers to proceed"
      GoTo Exit_Function
  End If
End If
Application.Echo True, "Checking for Invoices to Add"
' create export code
Set rstSource = db.OpenRecordset("select * from qryInvoicestoExport" & IIf(Form_frmInvExport.txtSageCompany = 1, "", "_STG") & " where Value>0 and tDate<=#" & ActDate(tmpDate) & "# ORDER by Ref ASC", dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
If rstSource.RecordCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Nothing to process"
    GoTo Exit_Function
End If

Application.Echo True, "Checking for Sage Preferences to Add"

' Connect to Data Files
oWS.Connect tmpCompany, tmpLogin, tmpPassword, "Example"

Application.Echo True, "Connected to Sage"

' Create an instance of InvoicePost & Record object's
Set oSalesRecord = oWS.CreateObject("SalesRecord")
Set oStockRecord = oWS.CreateObject("StockRecord")

'loop the record source
Do While Not rstSource.EOF

Set oInvoicePost = oWS.CreateObject("InvoicePost")

' Set the type of invoice for the next available number
oInvoicePost.Type = sdoLedgerInvoice

If tmpSageServiceCodes = False Then
'get the transactions
    Set rstTrans = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from qryTrans Where REF=" & rstSource!REF, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
    Set rstTrans = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from qryTransSageService Where REF=" & rstSource!REF, dbOpenDynaset, dbSeeChanges)
End If

If rstTrans.RecordCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "No Transactions for invoice " & rstSource!REF
    GoTo loop_routine
End If
'get delivery address
tmpDel(1) = rstTrans!CustD_Companyname
tmpDel(2) = rstTrans!CustD_add1
tmpDel(3) = rstTrans!CustD_add2
tmpDel(4) = rstTrans!CustD_add3
tmpDel(5) = rstTrans!CustD_add4
tmpDel(6) = rstTrans!CustD_add5

Application.Echo True, "Processing Invoice " & rstSource!REF

' Use the invoice number assigned from masc
oInvoicePost.Header("Invoice_Number") = rstSource!REF

' Loop for Number of Items on the Invoice
iCtr = 0
tmpTranCust = ""

Do While Not rstTrans.EOF
    Set oInvoiceItem = oInvoicePost.Items.Add()
    iCtr = iCtr + 1
    If tmpUseSageStockNominal And tmpSageServiceCodes = False Then
    ' Initialise Index Field with value to search
        oStockRecord("Stock_CODE") = CStr(rstTrans!HprodC)
        If oStockRecord.Find(False) Then
            oInvoiceItem("Stock_Code") = CStr(oStockRecord("Stock_Code"))
            oInvoiceItem("Description") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!HInvText, 60))
            If (tmpLoadTrackingNo) Then
                oInvoiceItem("Comment_1") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!Htrackno, 60))
                oInvoiceItem("Comment_1") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!HInvText, 60))
            End If
            oInvoiceItem("Nominal_Code") = CStr(oStockRecord("Nominal_Code"))
            oInvoiceItem("Tax_Code") = CInt(Trim(checkVatLetter(rstTrans!HVatRate)))
            oInvoiceItem("Stock_Code") = CStr(rstTrans!HprodC)
            oInvoiceItem("Description") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!HInvText, 60))
            If (tmpLoadTrackingNo) Then
                oInvoiceItem("Comment_1") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!Htrackno, 60))
                oInvoiceItem("Comment_1") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!HInvText, 60))
            End If
            oInvoiceItem("Nominal_Code") = CStr(tmpDefaultNom)
            oInvoiceItem("Tax_Code") = CInt(Trim(checkVatLetter(rstTrans!HVatRate)))
        End If
        If tmpSageServiceCodes = False Then
            oInvoiceItem("Stock_Code") = CStr(rstTrans!HprodC)
            oInvoiceItem("Description") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!HInvText, 60))
            If (tmpLoadTrackingNo) Then
                oInvoiceItem("Comment_1") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!Htrackno, 60))
                oInvoiceItem("Comment_1") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!HInvText, 60))
            End If
            'use the nominal we have in masc
            oInvoiceItem("Stock_Code") = CStr(rstTrans!Prod)
            If rstTrans!CustFreq = "Docket" Then
                oInvoiceItem("Description") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!AltDesc, 60))
                oInvoiceItem("Description") = nullCstr(Left(rstTrans!ProdDetails, 60))
            End If
        End If
        oInvoiceItem("Nominal_Code") = CStr(tmpDefaultNom)
        oInvoiceItem("Tax_Code") = CInt(Trim(checkVatLetter(rstTrans!HVatRate)))
    End If
  ' Populate other fields required for Invoice Item
  If tmpSageServiceCodes = False Then
    oInvoiceItem("Qty_Order") = CDbl(rstTrans!Hqty)
    oInvoiceItem("Unit_Price") = CDbl(rstTrans!HPrice)
    oInvoiceItem("Net_Amount") = CDbl(rstTrans!HLineValue)
    oInvoiceItem("Tax_Amount") = CDbl(rstTrans!HVatVal)
    oInvoiceItem("Full_Net_Amount") = CDbl(rstTrans!HVatVal + rstTrans!HLineValue)
    oInvoiceItem("Qty_Order") = CDbl(rstTrans!QTY)
    oInvoiceItem("Unit_Price") = CDbl(rstTrans!LTotal)
    oInvoiceItem("Net_Amount") = CDbl(rstTrans!LTotal)
    oInvoiceItem("Tax_Amount") = CDbl(rstTrans!Vat)
    oInvoiceItem("Full_Net_Amount") = CDbl(rstTrans!Vat + rstTrans!LTotal)
  End If
  oInvoiceItem("Tax_Rate") = IIf(IsNull(rstTrans!VT_Rate), CDbl("0.00"), CDbl(rstTrans!VT_Rate)) * 100
  'oInvoiceItem("Tax_Rate") = CDbl(rstTrans!VT_Rate)
  tmpTranCust = rstTrans!HCustCode
  If tmpSageServiceCodes = False Then
    If (tmpLoadTrackingNo) = False Then
        oInvoiceItem("Comment_2") = CStr("Date:" & Format(rstTrans!HDATE, "dd/mm/yy"))
    End If
    oInvoiceItem("Unit_Of_Sale") = CStr("")
    tmpTranDD = nullCstr(rstTrans!HSuppref)
    tmpPOD = nullCstr(rstTrans!HPOD)
  End If
Loop ' on trans

 ' Populate Invoice Header Information
 oInvoicePost.Header("Invoice_Date") = CDate(rstSource!TDate)
 oInvoicePost.Header("Notes_1") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Notes_2") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Notes_3") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Taken_By") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Order_Number") = IIf(tmpUseON, Left(CStr(tmpTranDD), 7), "")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Cust_Order_Number") = IIf(tmpUseCPO, Left(CStr(tmpTranDD), 7), "")
 If tmpUsePODasSO Then
    oInvoicePost.Header("Cust_Order_Number") = IIf(tmpUseCPO, Left(CStr(tmpPOD), 7), "")
 End If
 oInvoicePost.Header("Payment_Ref") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Global_Nom_Code") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Global_Details") = CStr("")
 oInvoicePost.Header("Invoice_Type_Code") = CByte(sdoProductInvoice)
 oInvoicePost.Header("Items_Net") = CDbl(rstSource!InvNet)
 oInvoicePost.Header("Items_Tax") = CDbl(rstSource!InvVat)

 ' Read the first customer
 strAccount = CStr(rstSource!ID)
 strAccount = strAccount & String(8 - Len(strAccount), 32)
 oSalesRecord("Account_Ref") = strAccount
 bFlag = oSalesRecord.Find(False)
 If bFlag Then
    oInvoicePost.Header("Currency") = oSalesRecord("Currency")
    oInvoicePost.Header("Foreign_Rate") = 1
    oInvoicePost.Header("Euro_Rate") = 1
 End If
oInvoicePost.Header("Account_Ref") = CStr(rstSource!ID) 'oSalesRecord("Account_Ref"))
oInvoicePost.Header("Name") = nullCstr(rstSource!CompanyName)
oInvoicePost.Header("Address_1") = nullCstr(rstSource!Add1)
oInvoicePost.Header("Address_2") = nullCstr(rstSource!Add2)
oInvoicePost.Header("Address_3") = nullCstr(rstSource!Add3)
oInvoicePost.Header("Address_4") = nullCstr(rstSource!Town)
oInvoicePost.Header("Address_5") = nullCstr(rstSource!County)

If tmpUseDeliveryAddress Then
    If tmpTranCust <> rstSource!ID Then
        If Not IsNull(tmpTranCust) Or Len(tmpTranCust) <> 0 Then
            Set oSalesDeliveryRecord = oWS.CreateObject("SalesDeliveryRecord")
            bEnd = False
                If oSalesDeliveryRecord("DESCRIPTION") = tmpTranCust Then
                    bEnd = True
                    oInvoicePost.Header("DELIVERY_NAME") = CStr(oSalesDeliveryRecord("NAME"))
                    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_1") = CStr(oSalesDeliveryRecord("Address_1"))
                    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_2") = CStr(oSalesDeliveryRecord("Address_2"))
                    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_3") = CStr(oSalesDeliveryRecord("Address_3"))
                    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_4") = CStr(oSalesDeliveryRecord("Address_4"))
                    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_5") = CStr(oSalesDeliveryRecord("Address_5"))
                End If
            Loop Until (bEnd Or Not oSalesDeliveryRecord.MoveNext)
        End If
    End If
    'just use the address on the record
    oInvoicePost.Header("DELIVERY_NAME") = nullCstr(tmpDel(1))
    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_1") = nullCstr(tmpDel(2))
    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_2") = nullCstr(tmpDel(3))
    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_3") = nullCstr(tmpDel(4))
    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_4") = nullCstr(tmpDel(5))
    oInvoicePost.Header("Del_Address_5") = nullCstr(tmpDel(6))
End If
 ' Update the Invoice
 bFlag = oInvoicePost.Update
 If bFlag Then
   Application.Echo True, "Invoice Created Successfully :" & rstSource!REF
   db.Execute "Update tblbillings set ar_PRocessed=-1 where ref=" & rstSource!REF, dbSeeChanges
   Application.Echo True, "Invoice Not Created"
 End If


Set oInvoiceItem = Nothing
Set oInvoicePost = Nothing

Loop ' on rstsource

Set oSalesRecord = Nothing

Set oSalesDeliveryRecord = Nothing


' Disconnect and Destroy Objects
Set oSDO = Nothing
Set oWS = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set rstSource = Nothing
Set rstTrans = Nothing

DoCmd.Hourglass False

Exit Function
' Error Handling Code
Call SageError(oSDO.LastError.Code, oSDO.LastError.Text, Err.Number, Err.Description, "Sage Invoice Export")

DoCmd.Hourglass False
Resume Exit_Function

End Function
Hi, I’m Pat