Dynamic Report Heading in an Access Report

dynamic report heading in an access report

When I design an access report which can be used by multiple clients I code the report headings and the data selection for the months to allow the client to change this if required.

In the sample above the client financial year starts on the 1st of March. They can set the column heading to reflect their year start and end.

In the report design the header is defined using a custom function =rpthths(gperiod(1)), the second column is defined as =rpthths(gperiod(2)).

For the Total by ticket type I use the following function =Sum(IIf([month]=gperiod(1),[Value],0)) and this is incremented across the columns.

In the recordset I have Month which extracts the month number from the transaction date and value is the field which represents the values to be totaled.

report design
Global myPeriod(12)

Function Calcmth()
myPeriod(1) = GetPref("First Month No")
If (myPeriod(1) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(2) = 1 Else myPeriod(2) = myPeriod(1) + 1
If (myPeriod(2) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(3) = 1 Else myPeriod(3) = myPeriod(2) + 1
If (myPeriod(3) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(4) = 1 Else myPeriod(4) = myPeriod(3) + 1
If (myPeriod(4) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(5) = 1 Else myPeriod(5) = myPeriod(4) + 1
If (myPeriod(5) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(6) = 1 Else myPeriod(6) = myPeriod(5) + 1
If (myPeriod(6) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(7) = 1 Else myPeriod(7) = myPeriod(6) + 1
If (myPeriod(7) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(8) = 1 Else myPeriod(8) = myPeriod(7) + 1
If (myPeriod(8) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(9) = 1 Else myPeriod(9) = myPeriod(8) + 1
If (myPeriod(9) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(10) = 1 Else myPeriod(10) = myPeriod(9) + 1
If (myPeriod(10) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(11) = 1 Else myPeriod(11) = myPeriod(10) + 1
If (myPeriod(11) + 1) > 12 Then myPeriod(12) = 1 Else myPeriod(12) = myPeriod(11) + 1

End Function

Function rptHths(x As Integer)
Select Case x
Case 1
 rptHths = "Jan"
Case 2
 rptHths = "Feb"
Case 3
 rptHths = "Mar"
Case 4
 rptHths = "Apr"
Case 5
 rptHths = "May"
Case 6
 rptHths = "June"
Case 7
 rptHths = "July"
Case 8
 rptHths = "Aug"
Case 9
 rptHths = "Sept"
Case 10
 rptHths = "Oct"
Case 11
 rptHths = "Nov"
Case 12
 rptHths = "Dec"
End Select
End Function

Function gPeriod(x As Integer)
gPeriod = myPeriod(x)
End Function

Let me know if this works for your reports support@anythingaccess.com

Check out Mary McCathy post for a more detailed option


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