To load a bill of materials into SAP I needed to create a XML file with the hierarchy of the bill. To start this project in Access you will need to set a reference to ChilkatXML  (free from, or you use MS DOM Object but I prefer the coding structure provided by chilkat,   and a table for the BOM items. Starting with the top levels you can then create the required number of BOM levels. You will need to amend the nodes of the XML file to suit your BOM levels.

Sub Make_SAP_XML_v3()
' 'Excel macro to Export a BOM for SAP Upload
Dim xml As New ChilkatXml
Dim BookingHeader As ChilkatXml
Dim ProductHeader As ChilkatXml
Dim Systems As ChilkatXml
Dim System As ChilkatXml

Dim tmpTest As Boolean, myFile, tmpStr, tmpFile, tmpPath, tmpRev, tmpCount
Dim tmpCabinet As String, tmpCurr As String
Dim tmpVal As String, tmpSystemID As String
Dim tmpName As String
Dim tmpCabType As String
Dim tmpProType As String
Dim I As Integer
Dim tmpSystem As String
Dim tmpTopLevel As Integer
Dim tmpATO As Integer
Dim tmpSystemLine As Integer

Dim tmpOrder
Dim tmpItemNo As Integer, tmpOrderLine As Integer, tmpItemNo2 As Integer
Dim tmptestPO As Boolean, tmpBOMDesc, tmpCost

Dim x As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = Worksheets("Descriptions")

xml.Tag = "MT_Project_WBSBOM_CREATE"
xml.AddAttribute "xmlns:nr1", ""


If ActiveCell.Value > 0 Then
    MsgBox "You are missing manditory information on the Header tab" & vbCrLf & "Please correct the data and retry"
    Exit Sub
End If


Set BookingHeader = xml.NewChild("BookingHeader", "")

BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SoldtoCompany", ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SoldtoAddress1", ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SoldtoAddress2", ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SoldtoAddress3", ActiveCell.Offset(4, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SoldtoAddress4", ActiveCell.Offset(5, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SoldtoAttn", ActiveCell.Offset(6, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "HardwareShiptoCompany", ActiveCell.Offset(8, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "HardwareShiptoAddress1", ActiveCell.Offset(9, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "HardwareShiptoAddress2", ActiveCell.Offset(10, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "HardwareShiptoAddress3", ActiveCell.Offset(11, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "HardwareShiptoAddress4", ActiveCell.Offset(12, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "DeliveryContact", ActiveCell.Offset(14, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "DeliveryPhone", ActiveCell.Offset(15, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "SalesOrder", ActiveCell.Offset(17, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "OracleCIBSoldtoPartnerNumber", ActiveCell.Offset(19, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "OracleDefaultTaskCode", ActiveCell.Offset(20, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "OracleID", ActiveCell.Offset(21, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "PurchaseOrderNumber", ActiveCell.Offset(23, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "ProjectName", ActiveCell.Offset(24, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "OrderType", ActiveCell.Offset(26, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserCompany", ActiveCell.Offset(28, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserAddress1", ActiveCell.Offset(29, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserAddress2", ActiveCell.Offset(30, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserAddress3", ActiveCell.Offset(31, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserCity", ActiveCell.Offset(32, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserState", ActiveCell.Offset(33, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserCountry", ActiveCell.Offset(34, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserContactTelephone", ActiveCell.Offset(35, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "EndUserPostalCode", ActiveCell.Offset(36, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "RequestDate", ActiveCell.Offset(38, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "TradeTerms", ActiveCell.Offset(40, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderName", ActiveCell.Offset(42, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderAddress1", ActiveCell.Offset(43, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderAddress2", ActiveCell.Offset(44, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderCity", ActiveCell.Offset(45, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderState", ActiveCell.Offset(46, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderCountry", ActiveCell.Offset(47, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderTelephone", ActiveCell.Offset(48, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightForwarderPostalCode", ActiveCell.Offset(49, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "FreightTerms", ActiveCell.Offset(50, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "ShippingMarks1", ActiveCell.Offset(52, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "ShippingMarks2", ActiveCell.Offset(53, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "ShippingMarks3", ActiveCell.Offset(54, 0).Value
BookingHeader.NewChild2 "ShippingMarks4", ActiveCell.Offset(55, 0).Value
tmpCurr = ActiveCell.Offset(57, 0).Value
tmpBOMDesc = ActiveCell.Offset(59, 0).Value

'set the header values
Set ProductHeader = xml.NewChild("WBSBOMHeader", "")


ProductHeader.NewChild2 "ConfigSource", ActiveCell.Value
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "TPCVersion", ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Value
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "TPCInternalDate", ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Value
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "TPCEngInfoDate", ActiveCell.Offset(3, 0).Value
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "TPCEngInfoFileVersion", ActiveCell.Offset(4, 0).Value
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "CommerciallyComplete", ActiveCell.Offset(5, 0).Value

ProductHeader.NewChild2 "WBSBOMCurrencyCode", tmpCurr
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "OpportunityID", ""     'rst!ID 'use the is of the passed recordset
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "QuoteID", ""
ProductHeader.NewChild2 "GlobalProjectID", ""


If Range("A1") <> "System" Then
    MsgBox ("This is not the correct sheet")
    Exit Sub
End If

ProductHeader.NewChild2 "SystemID", tmpBOMDesc

tmpSystemLine = 0
tmpSystem = ""
tmpOrderLine = 1

tmpItemNo = 1
tmpSystemLine = tmpSystemLine + 1
tmpItemNo = 0
tmpItemNo2 = 1
tmpTopLevel = 1
tmpATO = 0
tmpTest = True
tmpStr = ""
Application.ScreenUpdating = False


If Range("A1") <> "System" Then
    MsgBox ("This is not the correct sheet")
    Exit Sub
End If

If Len(Range("C1") & "") < 4 Then
    MsgBox ("Please Enter 'Rev X' in B1")
    Exit Sub
End If

tmpSystem = ActiveCell.Value
tmpCabinet = ""

Set Systems = ProductHeader.NewChild("WBSBOMItem", "")
'Make a new Parent
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentName", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMProduct", tmpSystem
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMLineNumber", tmpOrderLine
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMQuantity", "1"
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMRowID", tmpOrderLine 'tmpPro & "_" & tmpOrderLine 'TmpProType & "0" & tmpOrderLine & "_" & tmpOrderLine
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMCustomerSupplied", ""
'lookup the cabinet description
On Error GoTo Skip
x = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tmpSystem, ws.Range("A5:B105"), 2, False)
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMDescription", IIf(x <> 0, x, "")
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMImportSource", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMMilestoneBillFlag", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentItemNumber", "0"
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMType", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitCost", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitOfMeasure", tmpCurr
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMName", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPackage", ""
Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPkgDescription", ""

tmpCount = 2

Do While tmpTest
    ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
    If ActiveCell.Value <> "" Then
        If tmpSystem <> ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1) Then
            tmpTopLevel = tmpTopLevel + 1
            tmpATO = 0
            tmpSystem = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)
            Set Systems = ProductHeader.NewChild("WBSBOMItem", "")
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentName", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMProduct", ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMLineNumber", tmpTopLevel  ' tmpOrderLine
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMQuantity", "1"
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMRowID", tmpTopLevel  'tmpSystemLine & "." & tmpItemNo 'tmpPro & "_" & tmpOrderLine 'TmpProType & "0" & tmpOrderLine & "_" & tmpOrderLine
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMCustomerSupplied", ""
            'lookup the cabinet description
            On Error GoTo Skip1
            x = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tmpSystem, ws.Range("A5:B105"), 2, False)
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMDescription", IIf(x <> 0, x, "")
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMImportSource", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMMilestoneBillFlag", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentItemNumber", "0"
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMType", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitCost", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitOfMeasure", tmpCurr
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMName", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPackage", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPkgDescription", ""
        End If
        'are we starting a new system node?
        If tmpCabinet <> ActiveCell.Value Then
            tmpCabinet = ActiveCell.Value
            tmpOrderLine = tmpOrderLine + 1
            tmpSystemLine = tmpOrderLine
            tmpATO = tmpATO + 1
            tmpItemNo = 0
            'check contents
            Set Systems = ProductHeader.NewChild("WBSBOMItem", "")
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentName", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMProduct", tmpCabinet
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMLineNumber", tmpTopLevel & "." & tmpATO
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMQuantity", "1"
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMRowID", tmpTopLevel & "." & tmpATO
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMCustomerSupplied", ""
            'lookup the cabinet description
            On Error GoTo Skip2
            x = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(tmpCabinet, ws.Range("C5:D105"), 2, False)
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMDescription", IIf(x <> 0, x, "")
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMImportSource", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMMilestoneBillFlag", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentItemNumber", tmpTopLevel
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMType", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitCost", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitOfMeasure", tmpCurr
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMName", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPackage", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPkgDescription", ""
            tmpSystem = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1)
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 0).Select
        End If
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4).Select
        If ActiveCell.Value <> 0 Then
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, -4).Select
            Set Systems = ProductHeader.NewChild("WBSBOMItem", "")
            tmpItemNo = tmpItemNo + 1
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentName", "" ' tmpPro & "_" & tmpSystemLine 'o 'TmpProType & "0" & tmpOrderLine
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMProduct", UCase(ActiveCell.Value) 'rst![Lot_code_Sap] 'rst!Product
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMLineNumber", tmpTopLevel & "." & tmpATO & "." & tmpItemNo
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Select
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMQuantity", ActiveCell.Value '1 'rst!Qty
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMRowID", tmpTopLevel & "." & tmpATO & "." & tmpItemNo 'tmpSystemLine & "." & tmpItemNo 'tmpPro & "_" & tmpSystemLine & "." & tmpItemNo 'TmpProType & "0" & tmpOrderLine & "_" & tmpSystemLine & "." & tmpItemNo
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMCustomerSupplied", ""
            'gather cost for line
            tmpCost = 0
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
            tmpCost = ActiveCell.Value
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMDescription", ActiveCell.Value
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMImportSource", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMMilestoneBillFlag", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMParentItemNumber", tmpTopLevel & "." & tmpATO
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMType", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitCost", tmpCost
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMUnitOfMeasure", tmpCurr
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMName", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPackage", ""
            Systems.NewChild2 "WBSBOMPkgDescription", ""
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, -7).Select
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, -5).Select
        End If
        tmpStr = ""
        tmpTest = False
    End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
tmpItemNo2 = tmpItemNo2 + 1

tmpName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
tmpName = Left(tmpName, (Len(tmpName) - 4))

'  Save the XML:
Dim success As Long
success = xml.SaveXml("c:\SAPXML\V6_" & tmpName & ".xml")
If (success <> 1) Then
    MsgBox xml.LastErrorText
End If

MsgBox ("c:\SAPXML\V6_" & tmpName & ".xml Created")

Set ProductHeader = Nothing
Set Systems = Nothing
Set System = Nothing

End Sub

Hi, I’m Pat